Latest News
Applications are open to request NSP funding for neighborhood projects. Fill out the online form here.
Plots are available at the Westwood Community Gardens! Click here for more information and to apply online.
The Westwood Civic Association meets for a General meeting on the third Tuesday monthly at 7 PM, and a steering meeting quarterly, on the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October.
If you’re not able to attend in person, our meetings are now being live-streamed on our Facebook page. (the videos are viewable for those without accounts, as well)
Have you seen our awesome neighborhood flag? Read about the details and symbolism, and then order one of your own!
The group’s mission has remained consistent:
- Provide a voice representing the concerns of our neighborhood that is heard and respected by our City Council.
- Provide a forum to discuss neighborhood issues and events.
- Address crime, zoning, and developmental challenges.
- Review requests for liquor licenses, zoning changes and other matters submitted by the City to community councils.
- Provide print and electronic communication regarding issues and events important to the residents of Westwood.
To join the Westwood Civic Association, complete the application online or mail it in or bring it to the next meeting. Get the print application here.