WCA is involved in a number of initiatives and has various committees. They are described below. Want to get involved? Sign up and we’ll be in touch.
Properties, Infrastructure, Buildings, and Zoning Committee
Katie Query and Brandon Kraeling, co-chairs
Compile a list of properties out of compliance with municipal codes and those properties identified as chronic nuisances, recommend action, shepherd that action through the reporting and compliance process by monitoring and advocating. Recommend action to encourage responsible property maintenance and code and legal compliance. WCA concerns itself with infrastructure improvements, gateways, clean up days, flags, Welcome to Westwood signs, landscape rocks, gardens, and flower pots.
Outreach Committee
Victor Minella, chair
WCA’s Outreach Committee coordinates WCA efforts to reach out to Westwood residents and organizations, and to the wider community, to provide information about the WCA mission and its initiatives, and other issues and events of interest. The Committee will approach this effort in a positive and engaged way for the purpose of furthering WCA’s mission and connecting effectively with the community. Short term: develop a proposal for editorial policy and standards for Westwords and for WCA’s social media presence.
Membership Committee
Victor Minella, chair
Focuses its effort on positive events and activities to promote and grow WCA’s membership and to engage WCA in community events. Westwood Giant Yard Sale, At Home in Westwood, other events.
School Enhancement Committee
Scott LeCates, chair
WCA sponsors an annual awards event for students at Westwood schools. It works with Westwood and Midway Schools to become premier schools, with a representative to each school’s LSDMC. It monitors school board decisions affecting Westwood and support local schools’ fundraising efforts.
Westwood Community Gardens
Lily Kimmet, coordinator
The Westwood Community Gardens, coordinated by a core organizing team, is a place that invites all people to share in the joy of gardening. The Gardens give back to the community by providing education to Westwood residents about growing their own flowers and produce. and by sharing excess produce with My Neighbors’ Place through our Plant a Row for the Hungry program. Like us on Facebook and follow our news there. Read more